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Photos and text by Romina Heimburger, 2016

Sleepless in Seattle - 24 hours in the "Emerald City"#

Although for most of the people the capital of the U.S. state of Washington is known only for the famous and world's largest coffee shop chain "Starbucks" or for movies and television series such as "Sleepless in Seattle" or "Grey's Anatomy", the city in the northwest corner of the United States (ok, I have just left out Alaska and Hawaii) has plenty to offer.

From my own experience I can say that Seattle truly is a gem too often overlooked - believe me, its nickname is not in vain! The "Emerald City" (in German: "Smaragd-Stadt") is a gem that you should not miss when travelling through the United States!

What you would miss you will learn in the following list of my personal highlights. Take comfortable shoes, because here we go on my tour "24 Hours in Seattle" (Yes, exactly 24 hours. Or did you think, "Sleepless in Seattle" is possible only in the movie?)