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Harruker auch Harrukern, Johann Georg Freiherr von#

b. Hellmonsoedt (Upper Austria), 1662, d. Vienna, April 18, 1742, civil servant. From 1689 worked in the imperial book-keeping department for Lower Austria, from 1692 at the military commissionership, later he was promoted to commissioner of rations and director of rations (both military titles). For services to Prince Eugène while crossing the Alps and during the war against the Turks in 1714-1718 was appointed Hofkammerrat (member of the court chamber) and in 1718 was raised to the nobility, in 1729 was given the title of a Hungarian Baron.


P. Broucek, E. Hillebrand and F. Vesely, Prinz Eugen, Feldzuege und Heerwesen, 1986.