unbekannter Gast

Exploring the Grand Canyon#


Laura and Suave, April 17-18, 2016

All photos were taken during those two days by Laura and Suave and made available to global-geography.org

Grand Canyon
We arrived from Phoenix at the South Rim of Grand Canyon around 5PM and decided to walk down to see the sunset
Grand Canyon
Along the South Rim trail, we spotted a herd of Elks grazing nearby.
Grand Canyon
The colors of the Canyon walls were changing with the sun
Grand Canyon
It was a beautiful sunset with a visible moon in the sky. Laura enjoyed the views and kept walking down the trail.
Grand Canyon
The sunset was now in a full swing - the view to the North
Grand Canyon
Last glimpses of the light on the North Rim
Grand Canyon
We walked down for about 1.5 hr to the place where the mules make the first stop. The setting sun was now in a full view.
Grand Canyon
It was becoming dark quickly and we had to decide whether to go up or continue hiking down the South Kaibob trail.
Grand Canyon
Decided on continuing walking down by the moonlight. Ocassionally the clouds obstructed the moon, but there was enough light to comfortably walk down the trail without a flashlight.
Grand Canyon
After 4 1.2 hours, we have reached the Black Bridge on the Colorado river. We crossed onto the North bank of the Colorado river and camped on a sand bar by the river.
Grand Canyon
In the morning, we visited the Ranger Station, where we refilled our water bottles and picked the trail maps.
Grand Canyon
We decided to return via Bright Angel Trail (about 14 miles long). The trail led us to a silver bridge and back to the South bank of the Colorado river.
Grand Canyon
The trail followed the Colorado river for a while
Grand Canyon
Laura admires the colors of the rocks
Grand Canyon
The banks of Colorado river are covered by the unusual plants. Yuccas everywhere !
Grand Canyon
After 2 miles, we have finally started climbing up the trail
Grand Canyon
We hike on the stone ledges and rapidly gain the altitude
Grand Canyon
The view of the trail looking down the Canyon
Grand Canyon
We approach the end of the first steep part of the trail
Grand Canyon
The sun is alredy high and the views towards the North are magnificent
Grand Canyon
We are now 1500 meters above the bottom
Grand Canyon
The last part of the trail leads through steep zig-zag ledges
Grand Canyon
We are climbing higher and higher
Grand Canyon
The view of the Bright Angeles trail behind us
Grand Canyon
After 6.5 hours of climbing we are back at the South Rim
Grand Canyon
Happy smiles after the conclusion of the hike:-)